Graphically speaking, the game looks fantastic but we obviously can’t wait to see that for ourselves when the game drops in April. When not in combat, there are also puzzle and platforming sections in which you will use your abilities to help you accomplish objectives. As protagonist Jack Joyce, you have the power to manipulate time and use it to your advantage in combat by controlling the environment around you.

The long awaited and anticipated Quantam Break is only a few months away and offers an innovative and refreshing IP that is going to look and play great on the Xbox One. If you’re even remotely interested in parkour or just want something a little bit different then take a look at Mirror’s Edge Catalyst this year. Step into Faith’s shoes once more and take to the rooftops to learn about her background and origin, oh and you also have to take down an authoritarian group of corporations who rule the city. Catalyst will likely make significant gameplay improvement over its predecessor, whilst retaining the vibrant and colourful world that was so fantastic about the original. You could even argue that it inspired the mechanics of more recent games such as Dying Light and Titanfall. Sure it had problems, but it was revolutionary since no-one had ever created a first person parkour game before. I can’t be the only one that thinks the original Mirror’s Edge was quite underappreciated. Doom is going to be an all guns blazing escapade and will be a nice break away from the seriousness of other first person shooters. Who cares about tactics when you’re smiting monsters at point blank range with a massive minigun. This time around we are hoping for bigger and better things with more demons, gunfire, explosions, gore and fast-paced combat akin to the original Doom.
Xbox one games of 2016 software#
The most recent iteration of the franchise was Doom 3, back in 2004, and id Software did a pretty good job back then to bring the series into the modern era. When it comes to reboots it always pays to be a bit wary, no matter how exciting it may be (I’m looking at you Duke Nukem). Some however may prefer to wait until the Oculus Rift is released to get the complete immersive experience. It is because of its innovative nature that I have put it at number 9 and I personally cannot wait for ADR1FT to hit in a couple of months. From what we can see from the gameplay trailers and screenshots, this game looks fantastic and the idea is something we haven’t ever really seen in the video game world before. A disaster has left your space station critically damaged, forcing you into a fight for survival, with no recollection of what has happened. The game is set in space, naturally, and puts you in the shoes of an astronaut who’s not quite having their best day of work. Put bluntly, ADR1FT is essentially Gravity: The Video Game and this is not an insult in any way.